Special Duckling & Gosling Assor


Special Duckling & Gosling Assortments


Newly Hatched African Goslings Home Shipping Ducklings Goslings Ordering


Please Note:  On hatch days, after orders for specific breeds are filled, the assortments are put together in the sequence listed below.  The specific varieties included in these assortments are OUR CHOICE--no exceptions.


Exhibition Duckling Assortment
     An outstanding selection of ducklings out of our Top Show Quality matings.  Will include only breeds and varieties recognized by the American Poultry Association.  May include any of the following:  Saxony, Silver Appleyard and Welsh Harlequin.

Rare Duckling Assortment
     A fascinating assortment of ducklings selected from our many rare breeds.  May include any of the following:  Golden Cascade, Saxony, Silver Appleyard, and Welsh Harlequin.

Fancy Duckling Assortment
     A beautiful collection in a wide array of colors, sizes and shapes. May include any breed we raise.

Bargain Duckling Assortment
     Includes any grade A ducklings remaining after all other assortment orders have been filled.



Exhibition Gosling Assortment
     This is the first gosling assortment made up on hatch day after orders for specific breeds have been filled.  May include any APA recognized breed from our Top Show Quality matings:  Brown African, Embden and Gray Toulouse.

Fancy Gosling Assortment
     A fascinating collection that may include any of the breeds we raise--including some of the extremely rare ones.

Bargain Gosling Assortment
Includes any grade A goslings remaining after all other assortment orders have been filled.


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Copyright 2007 Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center